Produk Terbaru Kami

North Bayou 32'-55'type P5

Harga Rp.650.000
Deskripsi Produk

North Bayou 32'-55'type P5

-Harga Rp.650.000
■ Flat panel full-motion tv mount
■ Fits most 32"-55" flat panel display
■ VESA compliance : 100*100,200*100, 200*200, 400*200, 400*400mm.
■ Tilt: +10°~-2°
■ Load capacity : 80lbs(36.4kg)
■ Material : SPCC, seamless steel tube and plastic.
■ Surface treatment: Powder painting coating finished.
■ C
* The wall plate cover and cable hidden system of tv mount looked more luxury and nice, also made the TV cable behind your TV neatly.
* With this full-motion tv mount, you can be easy to fix, tilt, extend, fold and rotate your TV and any viewing angle whatever you wanted.
* Advance technologies design make viewing angle easy and convenient.
* Our standard Accessories enable you to extend VESA tv mounting distance from 200*200mm to 400*400mm.
* The arm can extend to 452mm maximum. olor: Black

North Bayou 40'-60'type NBC-3T

Harga Rp.375.000
Deskripsi Produk

North Bayou 40'-60'type NBC-3T

-Harga :Rp.375.000
■ Flat panel tilted mount
■ Fits most 40"-60" flat panel display
■ VESA compliance : 75*75mm,100*100mm,200*100mm, 200*200, 400*400, 600*400mm
■ Tilt: 0°~ +12°
■ Load capacity : 80lbs(36.4kg)
■ Material : SPCC with coating finished
■ Surface treatment: Powder painting coating finished.
■ Color: Black

* With our nice looking and high-quality surface powder coating finished.
* The consumers could slide their screen within the wall plate freely to fit their different horizontal screen viewing angle.
* This low profile design made your ultrathin flat panel TV much closer to the wall, only 35mm(1.4”) distance from the wall.
* Easy and quick installation and disassemble made your families feel more convenient to move out your TV to different position.
* Save two-thirds installing time than any other universal wall mounts.
* The single person could install and disassemble his TV very easily.
* Your TV can be very easy and just need light-touch to change their viewing angle without any tools.

North Bayou 17'-37'type NBC-1T

Harga Rp.180.000
Deskripsi Produk

North Bayou 17'-37'type NBC-1T

Harga Rp.180.000
■ Flat panel tilted mount
■ Fits most 17"-37" flat panel display
■ VESA compliance : 75*75mm,100*100mm,200*100mm, 200*200mm
■ Tilt: 0°~ +15°
■ Load capacity : 40lbs(18.2kg)
■ Material : SPCC with coating finished
■ Surface treatment: Powder painting coating finished.
■ Color: Black

* With our nice looking and high-quality surface powder coating finished.
* The consumers could slide their screen within the wall plate freely to fit their different horizontal screen viewing angle.
* This low profile design made your ultrathin flat panel TV much closer to the wall, only 35mm(1.4”) distance from the wall.
* Easy and quick installation and disassemble made your families feel more convenient to move out your TV to different position.
* Save two-thirds installing time than any other universal wall mounts.
* The single person could install and disassemble his TV very easily.
* Your TV can be very easy and just need light-touch to change their viewing angle without any tools.

Stand bracket led tv video conference tipe BFS 012

Harga Rp.4.500.000
Deskripsi Produk

 Bracket Standing TV BFS 012

Stand bracket Plasma tv BFS 012 / Rak Audio-Video/ Camera ,stand lcd bracket tempat dudukan lcd tv Plasma 42 inch-60 inch Stand bracket lcd tv Universal ,bisa di gunakan Untk semua merek tv, tinggi stand 165cm, dimensi bodi stand 40cm ,meja stand plat padat bentuk kupu kupu 55 x 70 cm,pake roda ,warna hitam

Bracket proyektor berbahan stainless

Harga Rp 300.000
Deskripsi Produk Bracket Proyektor Universal
Spesifikasi :
Panjang 100
Pipa luar stainless 50
Laba2 plt T 2mm Galvanis
Bisa di stell panjang pendeknya

Bracket proyektor BM 1

Harga Rp 150.000
Deskripsi Produk
Bracket proyektor CMStd Universal untuk semua merek proyektor

Bracket floor standing led BFS stand rack brosur

Harga Rp 2.990.000
Deskripsi Produk Tinggi 175cm
Dua buah rak
Untuk tv 32-50 semua merek
Roda uk 2 inc pake rem
Finishing Warna kuning

Bracket standing BFS 02 SSPL

Harga Rp.2.910.000
Deskripsi Produk Bracket standing berbahan stainlesss Spesifikasi : Bracket stand tv 32-52
Tinggi stand 180cm >dimensi 40x180cm
Dudukan stainless Miror T 10mm x65cmx70cm
Roda 2inc pake kunci
Bracket mount Universal untuk samua merek

Bracket stand tv monitor 17-24

Harga Rp.1.500.000
Deskripsi Produk Spesifikasi :
Tinggi max 120cm - bisa diseting naik turun
Rak keyboard ukuran 20cm x 50 cm PL 2mm
Finishing cat powder coating warna hitam
Untuk tv 17-24 universal bisa semua merek

Bracket TV Standing plasma BFS02 HTM 42-52

Harga Rp 2.650.000
Deskripsi Produk Spesifikasi : Bracket stand tv 32-52
Tinggi stand 180cm >dimensi 40x180cm
Dudukan besi T 10mm x65cmx70cm
Roda 2inc pake kunci
Bracket mount Universal untuk samua merek

Bracket stand tv video wall

Harga Rp 9.800.000
Deskripsi Produk
Bracket Video wal 2x3
Bracket Video Wall adalah peralatan yang mendukung pemasangan perangkat video pada dinding. Dengan bracket ini, maka bisa menampilkan gambar video berukuran besar.
Bracket stand Video wall untuk led tv screen ukuran 32 inc - 42 inc universal
Spesifikasi :  Tinggi 240cm 
Material besi Holo
Roda 2 inc pake rem
Finishing Cat powder coating

Bracket stand lcd tv BFS 01P

Harga Rp 1.650.000
Deskripsi Produk Bracket standing led tv 32 in-52in
Spesifikasi :
Tinggi 175 cm
Penopang plat besi padat, bentuk seperti logo slank
Pake roda ukuran  2inc / rem
Finishing tiang powdr coating/ penopang Cat duko

Bracket floor standing lcd tv BFS 01R 52

Harga Rp 1.750.000
Deskripsi Produk Bracket standing lcd tv 32 in-52in
Spesifikasi :
Tinggi 175 cm
Rak decoder / Nampan uk 25x 50
Penopang plat besi padat, bentuk seperti logo slank
Pake roda ukuran  2inc / rem
Finishing tiang powdr coating/ penopang Cat duko

Bracket standing tv BFS 01R 32

Harga Rp 1.500.000
Deskripsi Produk Bracket stand lcd tv BFS 01
Spesifikasi :
Tinggi 175
Rak 25 x 50
Penopang stand 55x60 bentuk kupu2
Bracket universal untuk semua merek
Roda 2 inc  pake rem
Finishing Cat duko warna hitam
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